Start a day by eating a frog

Hamna Asad
3 min readApr 14, 2021


What can I say, best of luck :P

I neglected eating frogs, alas!

Eating a frog actually means to complete an important task in time. Important task is one that is without a deadline and least desirable because of procrastination. There is a need to complete a set of tasks in order to achieve something. Investing less time on these tasks ultimately affects the accomplishments of desirable results. According to Bill Gates

Most people overestimate what they can do in a day and underestimate what they can do in a year.”

In order to achieve a goal there is a need to act upon and understand the following points

  • Identify a frog
  • Eat a frog by adopting an effective method
  • Repeat the above two points

Well, instead of eating a frog with a fork and knife try pomodoro this time. Truly, Pomodoro is a technique that came from Italian word for ‘tomato’.

The technique helps in time management and involves the breakdown of time in intervals. It usually works by setting a pomodoro timer (25 minutes) for completing a task. Give yourself a treat for 10 minutes after working for 25 minutes then jump back to your work. I tried this technique and it helped me to concentrate properly without the interference of instant gratification monkey.

That’s how pomodoro technique works

I decided to read 30 vocabulary words. I set a timer of 25 minutes on my mobile after turning my Wi-Fi off. I almost memorized 60% of the words without stalking the social media. It is a really effective method that encourages a work habit. It helps to prioritize the daily task by putting a basic schedule first. It enhances the productivity level by completing the tasks and ultimately leads to satisfaction and relief. Following the method ensures that you are making progress on achieving your ultimate goal.

Do try the technique before a panic monster pops out.



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