Raising Funds For Edhi Foundation

Hamna Asad
3 min readApr 30, 2021


A person who needs no introduction

“No religion is higher than humanity” -Abdul Sattar Edhi

Abdul Sattar Edhi was one of the most influential Pakistani who served humanity by taking care of the babies and adults from cradle to grave. He was a founder of Edhi Foundation that is a philanthropic social-welfare association headquartered in Karachi. The Foundation successfully rephrased the expression “Live and Let Live” by “Live and Help Live” through providing the exemplary services across Pakistan, rest of South Asia, Middle East, Africa, Europe and America. The diversified number of calamity and non-emergency services that Edhi Foundation provides includes 24-hour emergency support, nurturing the neglected babies and children, fostering the disabled and handicapped people, caring for mothers and elderly people, marriage bureau, eye clinics, diabetic center, surgical units, pharmacy and, assistance dispensaries.

Diverse range of services provided by Edhi Foundation, Image by http://imgh.us/

Seven members of our circle group made a small effort to raise the funds for Edhi Foundation. After a group discussion we came up with the solution for collecting the funds from relatives, friends, and strangers that were implemented through following steps:

  1. Prepared a pamphlet and a video

2. Forwarded a pamphlet among family members

3. Shared a video on different social media platforms (WhatsApp and Facebook)

4. Placed the box in front of strangers (shopkeepers and women) in Jaranwala bazar for the contribution


We came across people with different beliefs while collecting the funds for noble cause. There were people who were donating just after seeing the picture of Abdul Sattar Edhi. On the other end the people who were ignoring our request and not willing to believe us. Regardless of all the challenges and negative comments we were motivated and passionate because of an old lady who gave donation after praising the efforts of Abdul Sattar Edhi.

An old lady praising the efforts of Edhi Foundation


The lesson that we learned at the end of this activity is to stay calm and positive in every situation because we can only understand the true meaning of life after accepting the way people are. We realized that asking for funds from people for people without expecting anything in return is the toughest job. We salute you Sir, indeed you are the richest poor man in the whole world.

Image by http://imgh.us/



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