Just Start your goals

Hamna Asad
3 min readApr 2, 2021


Setting goals is really important to have a meaningful and purposeful life. Goals are the visualization that communicates a message towards improvement and happiness. Setting a goal is a normal thing. But, putting an effort and going an extra mile for success is the real journey that opens pathways to lifetime learning.

My goal was simply a wish without any plan until I joined Amal fellowship. They motivated me to plan my goals in the form of smart goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time bound.

Goal: I want to improve my English vocabulary and content writing skills.

It is my personal goal and I have this purpose because it provides a way for self-reflection and self-improvement. I always found content writing fun and attractive. I am interested in content writing after learning about Marjan arbab. I tried to work on this goal by searching blogs and subscribing different channels. But, I was never consistent in putting an effort to achieve this goal. In order to start working towards my goal I completed some of the following tasks.

Task 1: Opened different sites related to content writing

I learned about the tips required for writing quantitative content with a good quality and skills needed to learn for effective writing.

Task 2: Improve my vocabulary

To add different words to my vocabulary, I read a dawn newspaper article published by Rafi Zakria on women during the pandemic that basically covers the impact of lockdown and the whole pandemic effect on women in Pakistan.

Task 3: Listening to podcast

To understand different type of content I subscribed to the channel Humna Raza on YouTube and listened to her happy chirp podcast on mental health with Shanzae Rafique. They talked about the experience and reaction of people towards online counselling.

After completing my tasks, I learned that working with dedication is required to achieve a goal as a little progress everyday adds a big result at the end.

Let’s go



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