Amal Totkay Growth Mindset

Hamna Asad
2 min readApr 7, 2021


It only takes one person to change your life: You

At amal academy, I found a word ‘growth mindset’ to my father’s phrase that only those who ride the horse can fall from it. People with a growth mindset reshape the challenges and hardships into a step forward towards growth and learning. Such people believe in building abilities through constant effort and hard work. They tend to pull out the best workable strategies in the worst conditions. The five tips also known as amal totkay are useful for shifting the fixed mindset into a growth mindset.

  1. Self-talk

2. Get out of your comfort zone

3. Create new habits

4. Ask people help

5. Fake it till you make it

These tips really motivate me to be confident and productive in all aspects of life. It shows a way to discover new horizons and try new things by coming out of comfort level. In short amal totkay are helpful to develop the habits of taking risks and actions to achieve more in life.

My takeaways from the Amal totkay is to avail new opportunities and put in all the effort without taking care of the end results. I also learned that we should stay motivated and grab the positive things out of feedback.

All the five tips are the key to success but the third tip is amazing because redefining your prospective and thoughts in a positive manner is a step towards betterment

I am already trying to come out of my comfort zone to learn new things as new adventures begin at the end of the comfort zone.

In order to develop a growth mindset, it is really important to find a purpose in life, to be confident on the things you have and be focused in order to learn new skills and habits.



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